
My analysis of Christianity begins with this article:

The search for Christianity

The question This all started for me somewhere in the past couple years.  I can’t point to a specific moment, but observing the evangelical community over this time led me to the conclusion that this was no longer the style of church for me.  I didn’t know what I was looking for, but I knew something had to change.  I’ll have more to say on this in a later article.  But while these thoughts were in my head, my brother Pete told me that he had been wrestling with questions of how to know what God’s will is.  More will be said on this later, too.  But ultimately it led to a profound question: If we hadn’t been exposed to Christianity at a young age, if we encountered it instead now, would we be convinced it is true?   As a child, the family environment was hardly something you’d call religious, but there were remnants of a Catholic faith here and there: a sacred heart picture of Jesus on the wall, an occasional comment about praying something to Mother Mary to ward off Satan, a rare atte

The blog is alive

I am finally ready to share what I have been working on for months now.  It has been a longer road than I expected, certainly with a different end than I imagined.  Perhaps someone else will find this of use.  If nothing else, hopefully it helps those around me understand my thoughts on this complex subject.